Friday, March 30, 2012

The Tigers : PAF 2nd aerobatic team

PAF Tigers Aerobatic display team F-6 / MiG-19, Unknown Artist.
PAF Tigers Aerobatic display team of 4 ship F-6 / MiG-19 formation.

Pilots of PAF Tigers Aerobatic display team F-6 / MiG-19 . Rare photo of the original plane can be seen in the background.

The second formation aerobatic team on the F6 MiG19 fighters of the PAF was called The Tigers. Like its predecessors: The Rattlers, 1969, the second team was also formed at Sargodha Airbase. The F6 was a high energy fighter of its time on which formation aerobatic displays were especially demanding because the F6 needed skillful piloting during low airspeed manoeuvres. The Team: (1) Squadron Leader Hasnat Ahmed (Lead) (2) Squadron Leader Imtiaz Ali Khan (Right Wing) (3) Squadron Leader Tahir Ahmed (Left Wing) (4) Flight Lieutenant Nazar Hussain (Slot) (5) Flight Lieutenant Abdul Razzaq (Reserve)